The Monkey Mind

The Monkey Mind

Is your mind constantly jumping from here to there and everywhere?

Well, say hello to your monkey mind… We all have it and sometimes it can be totally frustrating not getting the focus clear on what really matters. Sometimes you would wish there was a “Turn Off” button just to get free from it.

There is no button to turn it off and most of the chatter are usually unconscious and going on in the background. So what is the monkey mind really telling us?

The main purpose of the mind is to protect you and filter the information you constantly receive. The only problem is that your protective mind only operates with information and experiences from the past. The future is a threat to the mind as it can’t understand it. The safe place for the mind is to keep you where you are right now. As the saying goes “You know what you have but you don’t know what you get“.

Maybe at this point, you start to understand that your mind tries to keep you small. When you like to try something new, it gets uncomfortable and tries to convince you not doing it. Your mind will find 1000s of clever reasons why you should not do it and how it might affect your future in a negative way.

This is the conversation that is going on in your “Monkey Mind” at a very high speed. So, how can we control it?

The first thing is to start listening to what is going on in your mind and what it is telling you. Only by being aware of what is going on, you can control it. Now when you know how your mind is operating, you can ask yourself, is it true what it tries to tell me? Most of the time it is just fear for the future.

The only true way to know what is right for you and your future is to feel it in your heart. The heart will never lie, but the monkey mind will…

When you feel that something is right, the only way to make it happen is to JUST DO IT! The fear is just fear and nothing else. To reach the success you so much desire in any area of your life, you just need to DO IT. There is no way around it and we all face the same fear. The only difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that the unsuccessful will stop and be paralyzed when listening to their monkey mind and the successful people will do it anyway.

Hope this will help you to go for what you really desire in life and not be scared of it. Your freedom is on the other side of fear and your monkey mind. Let us help you to get the clarity you need to realize all your dreams… Check it out here!

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